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OMADA Tribute

Unekuojo Idachaba

When I arrived in East Lansing for my undergraduate studies as an international student thousands of miles from home, I took great comfort in knowing that I had a big sister just around the corner. Despite her busy schedule, Omada took the time to ensure that I was adjusting well to life in a foreign country. In particular, Omada took a great interest in ensuring that I was not neglecting my relationship with God, an interest which she maintained even after I had left East Lansing. Whenever I missed Sunday service, I could always expect to get a gentle reminder the next time I spoke to Omada as to why going to church was important for my spiritual growth. I also counted on Omada to give me very pragmatic advice about any problems that I brought to her attention. Omada was always about finding solutions and she spent very little time dwelling on problems or assigning blame when a solution could be had. She was a take charge person. Most importantly, Omada’s relationship with, and faith in God played an enormous role in her life and served as an inspiration to me. Her faith in God was rock solid and uncompromising even if the face of adversity. It was not uncommon for me to call Omada in a worried state to inquire about her well-being and progress and end the phone call encouraged by her positivity and questioning the strength of my faith in God. Omada was a vibrant personality whose presence on earth with us was far too short. In her life and in her death, she brought me closer to God and that to me, is the best testimony anyone could get. Sadly, the stars that shine the brightest, sometimes shine for the shortest amount of time.

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