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Celebrating OMADA

Ache Idachaba

………You are such an inspiration…….

Indeed the Preacher was right, there is a time to be born and a time to die. And many of us if not all, desire that the in-between be lived in good health, joy, happiness, peace and prosperity. And that at the last book-end, we would have lived lives worthy of our calling and fulfilled destiny. Many of us desire that in-between the book ends be at least the 3 score and ten written in GOD’s Word. We are painfully aware that some won’t even come close and joyful that some will live far beyond. Omada lived 2 score and six. She lived each day acknowledging that each was a gift from GOD. Celebrating life for what it was and holding very loosely to the things of this world. Committing her all to Christ. She taught us how to live life. And through her passing we have come to realize in a deeper way that the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote “………….to live is Christ, to die is gain……..”. You taught us what it truly meant to trust GOD no matter the circumstances. Never complaining ONCE about the lot you had been dealt during the last two years of your life. Not once allowing the direction of the markers to weigh you down. You indeed fought the good fight and finished the race. And I am confident of this, that you have obtained the crown and are at present rejoicing in the presence of GOD the Father.

Today would have been your 47th birthday. We know how you loved having photoshoots to mark each birthday. Whilst, you wouldn’t be having anymore photoshoots here on earth, we are celebrating past photoshoots and the beautiful memories shared during the most trying period of your life. I have wept and wept and wept as I have gone through the pictures taken in 2014 and 2015. In the midst of my tears, I am grateful to GOD for making each and every one of those memories possible. In Orlando, Atlanta, Paris, Deauville and the list goes on. We are celebrating every moment we were blessed to have you. To Him alone be the glory.

You are much loved and we miss you dearly.

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